As we come to the end of the month of October, we would like to thank everyone that helped out in this event. To the wonderful ladies that came in to have a beautiful piece done by one of our amazing artists and to friends and family that received one of our flash tattoos to show their support for the cause. Thank you to our artist that donated their time to give back to our clients.
The pressure was on for our artists to design art pieces for these ladies that have gone through so much. Coming up with the perfect design was not easy but these artists stepped up to the challenge. Each one of them were able to hear the clients experience throughout the whole process which made the piece that much more special. They all may have had different struggles but it was great to see they were all here, together with the same purpose and that was to get that final puzzle piece.
It takes a few minutes to do a self exam once a month, early detection is important for the best outcome. You do not have to have a family history of breast cancer but know that your odds nearly double if you do have a first-degree relative that was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although women are more likely to get breast cancer this doesn’t mean men cannot, so be sure to also do a self exam! Many insurance companies cover a yearly mammogram, but in the case they do not there are many programs out there that help you obtain a mammogram at low cost or free. We have decided to donate all proceeds we made from the event this year to the “Women’s Mobile Clinic” which offer programs that help you get a mammogram.
Thanks again to everyone that was involved with this event. We hope to be able to do this every year and help more women cover up their scars or simply get a realistic nipples done. If you know anyone that would love to have these services done send them our way for a spot next year. Those of you that didn’t get to come in this year for our flash tattoos or the cover-ups keep an eye out for our event next year. Follow us on our social media to keep up with all our events through Facebook and Instagram.